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Old 07-16-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: Official ROM IS HERE!!!

Originally Posted by mad3963 View Post
I realize that. Still think Verizon is behind the delay tho.

Always had success dealing with Samsung. Verizon, as good a service as they provide, network and customer service-wise, has not always been so responsive. IMPE. Just saying.
To a certain degree, you are absolutely right. CF03 had to be vetted by Verizon before it could be released to us by Samsung. Obviously this contributed to the delay of the release.

But for whatever it's worth, the Verizon network tech at who has been testing/running CF03 for a few weeks said that he "honestly couldn't see any difference between CC20, CC26, and the latest CF03". So we really shouldn't expect any groundbreaking stuff with this official release (other than the fact that this one is "warranty-proof" )

We all understand and are likely experiencing (to some degree) your frustration, though Hang in there!