Yes, I've had the screen blank set to 10sec before. I just accept it as an MS glitch. Doesn't happen often.
Two other little "glitches" today. The first one is repeatable: When I load the camera, going into "Picture Theme" mode gives me an error. [36011:107:100] Then when I close the camera, my screen is all kerflooyed. But only if I close it from the HW/OK key. If I close it from the touchscreen (X), then it closes fine. Very curiously, when I take a screenshot of my kerflooyed screen, it looks normal. By kerflooyed, I can only describe that it looks like a color negative with some "static". I had this happening with WM5 AKU3.5, but was gone with the original Helmi WM6.
The second glitch is that I had a DSOD today. Just walking around and noticed that the screen wouldn't turn on and the phone appeared dead.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.