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Old 07-16-2009, 01:36 AM
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Re: Verizon Diamond Owners We Need Your Help!

Originally Posted by mvincent View Post

How can I use these "RAW" files and make them into a STOCK ROM that I can use the RUU executable (nbh) to place the SHIP rom back on my VZW Diamond? Basically I want a fallback so that I can do a little testing but I never worked with RAW files...

I did that and have a complete stock ROM you can use. It will be defaulted to a 16 Meg page pool and it will be un locked but otherwise identical.

I like the nwe VZW TF32D skin. I am going to grab that for my kitchen ;c) Look at the screen shot, the color matches the color of my sprint diamond.

Just need to figure out how to remvoe the word VZW. Anyone know what manila file that is off th top of your head?

I also have a stock "kitchen" that you can have. Very basic, no options 100% VZW stock. Its just basically the stock XIP already page pool modified and unlocked, set to 16 megs, Stock SYS and stock OEM folder.


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Last edited by scrosler; 07-16-2009 at 01:44 AM.
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