Originally Posted by raiser1
I too cannot receive gmails, though it sends ok. This issue happened on both the 6-17 and now the 7-13 builds. I cannot figure out why it's not pulling pop from gmail, or at least not populating the inbox with them. since I can use gmail in the browser it's not a dealbreaker, but I miss using the built in email app.
Originally Posted by bedlam247
I did a quick search on "gmail" from this thread and did not see anything on my problem from last build 090704. I cannot get emails from my gmail. When I select "send/receive" email, I it go through the process of logging in and retrieving email, but nothing is retrieved? I know I have emails, because I would test by sending a few "test" emails. Next I would delete the gmail account and recreate it. The first time it checks for email it would retrieve some emails, but after the retrieval, it deletes all my emails in the inbox expect for the default "Windows tips" initial email.
Anyone know if the new build fix this or it sounds like I need to reflash?
I use the following script to provision my email and it works perfect:
<!-- Other Mail Settings -->
<!-- Use link below to fig out values -->
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa455896.aspx -->
<characteristic type="EMAIL2">
<characteristic type="{bef6bd14-cdcf-403f-a7a7-f4aa9055bdf8}">
<parm name="SERVICENAME" value="gMail" />
<parm name="SERVICETYPE" value="IMAP4" />
<parm name="INSERVER" value="imap.gmail.com" />
<parm name="OUTSERVER" value="smtp.gmail.com" />
<parm name="NAME" value="{put your name here}" />
<parm name="REPLYADDR" value="" />
<parm name="AUTHNAME" value="{put your email address here}" />
<parm name="AUTHSECRET" value="{password here}" />
<parm name="DOMAIN" value="" />
<parm name="AUTHREQUIRED" value="1" />
<parm name="LINGER" value="0" />
<parm name="RETRIEVE" value="-1" />
<parm name="KEEPMAX" value="0" />
<parm name="DWNDAY" value="3" />
<parm name="SMTPALTENABLED" value="0" />
<parm name="SMTPALTAUTHNAME" value="" />
<parm name="SMTPALTPASSWORD" value="" />
<parm name="SMTPALTDOMAIN" value="" />
<characteristic type="TAGPROPS">
<parm name="8128000B" value="1"/>
<parm name="812C000B" value="1"/>