Originally Posted by jpc0480
Hope I put this in the right spot...
Alltel as you know merged with Verizon. Today I gave my carrier a call and was shocked to hear that I could upgrade to any phone free of charge. Now I'm thinking of going to the Omnia, but wanted to see if there was anyone on here who had any insight... Didn't know if one has switched between the both? I have flashed my TP and just don't feel satisfied... Haven't felt good about my phone since the 6800. I am tired of the keyboard lag, the slow response I get from the TP, but wanted to stick with WM. Any thoughts?
I really suggest you go into a Verizon store & try out the Omnia to compare it to your touch pro. I have both. I loved my Omnia (bought it in Nov when they first came out), but when I moved to Texas a few months back, I had no Verizon service, was roaming on Alltel towers. Would have had to drive 60 miles to do a *228 to reprogram my Omnia if I did a hard reset.
So I switched to Alltel & got a Touch Pro, fully expecting to switch back to my Omnia once the Verizon/Alltel merger happened. In the mean time I flashed/hacked/tweaked my touch pro into the same all-in-one daily gadget I had tweaked my Omnia into.
So now that the merger has happened I just spent the evening flashing/tweaking my Omnia fully prepared to put the ESN into the Verizon site and switch back to it. But I'm holding off...After a couple of hours of using it as a PDA w/wifi I'm finding it not as "touch responsive" as my Touch Pro. I'm also noticing that while the Omnia screen is larger (WQVGA), the sharpness of the Touch Pro's VGA screen is much nicer. Plus no physical keyboard on the Omnia has frustrated me at times...The TP made life much easier on me in that department. Also, I haven't noticed a difference in the 5.0mp pics from the Omnia or the 3.2mp pics from the TP. Both are comparable. Great in direct sunlight...need to tweak settings indoors/darker settings. Both take "decent" pics with tweaks.
But common sense tells me that the Omnia did everything that the touch pro does for me now (except GPS which is now fixed with the leaked ROM that came out the day I bought my touch pro) & I just have to learn the Omnia's quirks again. I could throw my 8gig microsd card into my Omnia to give me 16gig total storage & get the Mugen extended battery (would make the Omnia the same size as the TP with much better battery life). The mugen extended battery for the TP makes it way to thick for my taste.
Basically...I'm torn...Both are sitting in front of me right now with Winmo 6.5 flashed onto them...You might see me in a couple of days switched back to my Omnia, but for right now I'm sticking with my TP. I have no interest in switching to the TP2 (not enough of an upgrade), but the Omnia Pro looks like an option when it's released. If you can get a free upgrade to an Omnia & keep your TP go for it. Try them both out & see what you like better.
Hope I didn't ramble on too much here. Just wanted to give you an honest opinion from someone who has been fortunate enough to use both for an extended time....well fortunate might be too strong of a word, because it was hell to break my contract with Verizon without the early termination fee because of no service in my area. Found it ironic that after finally getting all that straight the merger happened a month later....