Originally Posted by pdub73
ur opinion is welcomed of course..but ur facts to support it are lacking...I'm sure everyone here has different reasons for wanting to try the update, or at least keep an eye out to see what it does, what it improves, or what it screws up...
when VZW released the ROM update for the XV6800, you had to make a choice use a custom ROM or their official rom which GPS was enabled but u could only use VZnav... if you wanted to use a 3rd party app. you needed to use a custom ROM...
this update However u can use either or...thats an improvement on their behalf all be it a small one...but what do u expect from a cash cow such as VZW... and I'm sure once the Chefs here clean out what they feel it doesn't need we will have an even better custom ROM...I don't think anyone will be disappointed and if they are...Hey theres this guy named adrynalyne who apparently makes pretty darn good ROM's
Exactly. The best part of this update is the fact that we finally have a Verizon-endorsed ROM that is "warranty-proof". But if, for whatever reason you don't like the official ROM, just flash back to CC20 and save the official ROM for "emergencies"