Originally Posted by redd214
i never really jumped aboard the bluetooth train myself. main reason probably being that i havent yet found a headset that sat comfortably on my ear. maybe i have weird shaped ears but i have tried probably upwards of 25 headsets and all sat very awkwardly. only time i really have a use for it is easy file sharing between my comp and phone.
that bluejacking thing you guys mentioned sounds kinda crazy i will have to do some research on that
get a Jabra BT3030 and you can use your favorite 3.5mm headphones as you earpiece.
I got one and I have never once hooked up a 3.5mm using an adapter since. Even when hooking up to the stereo in my house. I just plug the BT device in to the 3.5 jack and I still walk around the floor with the phone in my pocket which lets me remote control the music with no extra hardware.