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Old 07-14-2009, 09:08 PM
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Re: Questions about flashing?

Originally Posted by LessThanZero View Post
Learn to flash from the sd card. Once you have the phone unlocked, format any sd card on your computer to FAT32 (card has to 2GB or less), rename the largest .nbh file of the rom you want to flash to VOGUIMG.nbh (remember caps). Put that bad boy in boot loader and the phone does the rest. Once the update has completed poke the reset with stylus and have fun with your new rom. Only other thing I could suggest is flash back to your newest specific carrier rom before you flash another custom.
i have a 4gig msd card and i just flashed my touch pro ??? or is this specific to the vogue?
Phone: Nexus 6p | Carrier: StraightTalk Att
Kernel: Stock | ROM: Stock Oreo