Originally Posted by p-slim
shut up dude nobody believes you and we all KNOW you're lying. Like i said the retention department didn't have it till Nov 2nd. If you had yours and got it from retentions then where were you when all the arguing was going on with the release dates and where were your pics when we needed them. Ppcgeeks didn't even have a forum for the tp in september. NOw maybe if you wouldve said you had a friend that gave it to you or you were testing it out that wouldve been possible. But to say you got it from retention your an idiot and a liar. So retention had to phone 2 months before anybody was able to purchase them???
Hmmm, where should I start with you and the other jerk in this thread. You don't know me well enough to call me names and you certainly don't know my character. I appreciate this forum enough that I will disregard your posts.
Here are the facts.
1. My credit card statement from September proves to me that i purchased at the end of September on the 22nd.
2. I was not member of this forum then becasue I was a noob.
3. I was a member of another forum when I had a Touch, which I had for a short time.
4. I signed a two year contract for the phone which expires in August
5. I had my phone in my area before anyone around here had it in their stores until December.
6. I don't have any reason to lie
I still love this thread because it is funny!