Originally Posted by tommydorns
I am still having problems with the YouTube and I don't know why. I know Deck said he was having no issues with it. The Application loads and everything then when I tap on the video I want to play it seems like it's going to play then an error message comes up and says "Cannot play video" I've tried hard resetting, flashing back to stock then back to this one. That sucks because I only use SSS cause I love the roms. I was thinking maybe it was the SYS because I've heard people having the problem with one of Juicys recently and I think maybe he was using the same SYS. I don't know. I'll just wait till next version. The only other problem i'm having is the music store, it loads up just fine but then doesn't take you to the main page instead it wants you to tap on the icon but that doesn't do anything. Thanks in advance and thanks deck for you hard work and dedication .
Same problem here with YouTube.