Re: Flashing a Rom or Radio from the 4 gig internal storage
I've been able to successfully flash from storage but I come up with an issue several hours later. I use PIM Backup 2.8 to save my contacts and such, flash, then restore. I load a few cabs - nothing fancy - but after a while, the phone slows down to a snails pace. Eventually I can't do anything and if I hit the rest button, it wont even boot. The only solution is a hard reset. I start over, restoring from backup and such only to have the same happen again a few hours later. This happens regardless of which rom I flash (tried mighty6 and AJM). The only solution I found was to flash using a pc the shipped rom followed by a custom. Been fine ever since - even after restoring the backup contacts and cabs. I have to think there's something not quite right with an internal flash. anyone have similar issues or advice?
Edit: I tried flashing without the backup and its been working fine ever since. I'm guessing it was something Backup was doing. I read somewhere to only backup contacts, msg and appointments. tied that and it has worked fine since the restore.
Anyone figure out how to unzip a rom on phone? It seems that the roms are a bit too big for the phone as the unzip util first puts the rom into internal memory before copying it over. If your internal space is too small (like when using Mighty6) your up the creek and can't unzip another rom to fix your problem. so it requires doing on a puter.
RIP Touch --> Diamond --> Touch Pro2 --> Droid X --> Droid RAZR!
Last edited by armus; 07-15-2009 at 02:18 PM.