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Old 07-14-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: Treo Pro and WM 6.5 ?

Originally Posted by shailigum View Post
GrooveRom 5.
I actually picked up a Pre the other day and i'm currently using it right now.
I can honestly say that up until now it's the first phone i've used that can be considered an iPhone killer.
I have played around with the Treo Pro.... I have to agree with everyone. It super stable and responsive, but definately bloated. Not too shaby on speed as well.... And yes, wm6.5 would be nice on the treo, but its not needed as bad as the Touch PRO needed it. I also use Groove 5 latest build. Love wm6.5, haven't messed with Tflo for 3 months..

The Palm pre is nice, still can't seem to get over the shape and feel of the plastic slideout keyboard......