Hello Rothgar, I have that same HTC adapter and after trying it on a 6.1 ROM successfully, I upgraded to 23004 full Sprint. I messed around with a number of audio programs and I believe the problem is in the adapter itself as I was able to get sound by following Animez's step by step process. Problem is when you get to step 3. Plug in the headphones. At this point you need to slowly slide it in and wiggle it as you get almost flush. Mine seems to work best with just a little of the plug showing in the adapter. Not the best for windows media. Works best with Nitrogen, Audio Manager or Media Center because once you get sound you can easily go to the next song, not so with WMP. With WMP you have to go thru the process again and again. Thanks Animez cause it works for me and this week end I will open up the adapter and see what needs to be adjusted.
Originally Posted by animez
I have the same problem with a third party 3.5mm adapter. It has never worked correctly since I started using custom roms. There is one way I've been able to get it to work that will hopefully work for you too.
1. Start audio before plugging in the adapter.
2. Plug in the adapter with the head phones not plugged into it.
3. Plug in the headphones.
This works every time with the adapter I use. I've tried variations on those steps but it never works. This would not be so bad but as soon as the audio completely stops for more than a few seconds you have to repeat those steps to get it working again (so streaming an album through Orb is not worth it).
Hope that helps.