Enable Repeat Notifications
There is an alternative solution in POST 10 using Mortscript
I looked for this reg edit and all the answers I found did not work right. I have heard there are programs that will allow this but I don't want to install some large bloated program just to have my text notification repeat if I don't check it right away. Like I said I went thru this thoroughly and did all the testing on my Diamond and the wife's Vogue.
HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications{A877D65B-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}(new text message) Options=1073741845
You should be able to use this with other notifications but I just needed the text message repeat.
I hope this helps someone!
Added 7/14/09
1073741855-Play, repeat, display, flash light (no limit?), vibrate.
1073741853-Play, repeat, display, flash light (no limit?).
1073741849-Play, repeat, display.
1073741841-Play, repeat.
1073741845-Play, repeat, flash light.
1073741843-Play, repeat, vibrate.
1073741851-play, repeat, display, vibrate.
Last edited by b4u2; 09-12-2009 at 08:08 AM.
Reason: More information