Originally Posted by rickyrecaro
why should we download it.....? i mean once i download it get it running right your going to come out with another build.... lol jk but for reals stop it jk. how but a suggestion maybe the vogue dialer???... i like the big buttons
Ha ha ha. I'm actually holding off on another build; 21921 was released, but apparently it's similar to this one and contains some funky half-built adjustments in an attempt to make even even more finger-friendly. So...yeah.
In regards to the Vogue dialer, I made a test build with a similar dialer built in, and it ate up RAM. You lose between 1 and 2 meg of RAM and I decided to leave that at the user's choice. If you want a bigger dialer, here are two links for you:
I would highly recommend making sure that emergency numbers such as 911 work whenever installing a third-party dialer. Dialers MUST be built for CDMA devices and not GSM, or this will not work.
Hope that helps!