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Old 07-13-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: Questions about flashing?

Originally Posted by macmee View Post
I just got an HTC touch, and I wish to flash it. I'm scared to flash, though, because I'm not sure what risks are involved while flashing. I really don't want to break my HTC Touch, and after flashing, will I have to re-configure anything for my phone to work with Bell Mobility?

I'm kind of new to flashing, so sorry if I sound sort of stupid.
there is very low risk of anything happening to your phone the biggest one is it voids the warranty. you can use a program to backup your settings but i don't know how well it would transfer if you flash to 6.5. here is a little info on flashing. it was written for verizon phones but it can be followed for bell as unlocking, upgrading the radio, configuring GPS, and flashing custom ROMs are pretty much all the same on these phones. you can make a custom ROM for Bell and only have to reconfigure the GPS and your programs to how you like them. you will have to do a little work yourself to get everything working right but once you do custom ROMs are worth all the effort.
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