Originally Posted by cheezeit
Is there no way to change the wallpaper on the today screen? when i check use this wallpaper and select one i want to use, it stil shows the energy wallpaper on today. Even if I chage the theme, energy wallpaper stays
Originally Posted by redd214
if ur refering to the tf3d wallpaper, u have to change it on the settings tab of tf3d. just going thru the normal today settings wont get it done
The Today background is for the Start menu. The Settings tab of TF3D is for the home screen background. If you change your TF3D Settings tab and still don't see your wallpaper, it's because you've installed a cab that either conflicts or locks the wallpaper. I've recently run into 2 such CABs (Psyki US Date Format MMM d.cab and I think EnergyROM Manila Wallpaper.cab). Not all cabs can be uninstalled from Remove Programs, so you may need to re-flash in order to change your TF3D wallpaper. Then reboot after each cab and verify that your custom wallpaper is still intact. I'm curious if you find more cabs that conflict, so feel free to post your results (if this is even your problem
