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Old 07-13-2009, 09:27 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by ShadowDrake View Post
I've been having a bit of a problem with phcanoverbmp.dll - and making a .cab to install icons for me.

I'm running Juicy8, 070409 and I created some files for the taskbar. All seems to work well, except phcanoverbmp.dll. If I copy my phcanoverbmp.dll to the windows directory, it works - but the battery icons don't, I get the default icons. I DO have the proper registry entries.

What's weird though, if I use finixnover's battery icon's only cab, it installs and all it does is copy a phcanoverbmp.dll to the \Windows directory and make registry changes. My battery icons work like they're supposed to with that - but his DLL doesn't have the proper volume icons (which don't seem to load from HTCVolumeControl.dll).

So the way it is, I have working speaker icons, and default battery icons - or working battery icons and default speaker icons. I can't seem to have both.

At the same time, I tried adding all of my files to a .cab to be made installable, using WinCE Cab Manager to create the cab, it just fails to install. If I open up finixnover's .cab and replace it's phcanoverbmp.dll and do nothing more to it, it will fail to install after the change.

I guess I don't get the problems I'm running in to...
You have to make sure the speakers are the same in the shellres.192 and the phcanOverbmp.dll and also the HTCVolumecontrol.dll for everything to work correct.
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