Re: #intxROM 2# is UP! Perfection is back! (WM 6.1 Rhodium) 7.7.09
I've been on groove's roms with mobile shell 3 running over em for a while now and loved em, but i'm pretty bored and sick of 6.5. thank you for this rom! i hadn't really given rhodium a chance because of all the bugs early on, but this seems to be working pretty great! i forgot how much i liked tf3d and the enhancements since i left are pretty sweet! I have noticed a couple things:
When I try to link a contact to facebook, it asks me to sign in and the connection always fails. (The first time I tried it was the only time it worked)
The weather forecast that shows up in the calendar tab show temperature in c instead of f, even though on my weather tab it shows in f
When I add File Explorer to one of the first 5 spots on the programs tab, it doesn't open
and last, the time that i was able to link my contacts to facebook profiles, i saved birthdays, but now on everyones birthdays, it says they are 1 year younger than they really are.
These are all so minor though. I wouldn't go outta my way to try to fix them, but just didn't know if anyone else noticed it or knew of a quick fix for any of em. Thanks again for my new favorite rom!