I switched from a Treo 700p, which is exactly the same as the 755p (except for the antennae) and I have not regretted switching. There are so many things you can do on the Mogul that is just not possible on the Treo without purchasing lots of software.
The HTC Home Plugin is just amazing! There is nothing out there like it for Palm.
Being able to get Hotmail on your phone without paying $30 for a program to get it is really nice too.
Having a dedicated Hangup button and a dedicated power button are BIG plusses for me. I don't know how many times I would be checking my email and hit the red button to put the Treo to sleep right when a call was coming in, thus ending the call.
Memory leak is easy to manage with X-Button and FreeUpRAM.
Battery life is dependant upon use. If you have 10 email accounts being checked every 30 minutes and the Bluetooth on all day and surf the web for a couple hours you'll use the battery up fast. I've never had the device power down on its own from lack of battery, even when I've done the above.
Alarm can also be rigged if you use the wall charger. Just turn on the phone, plug it in, and THEN put it to sleep. Been doing this for a month now and my alarm has never failed to go off.
Over all I love my Mogul compared to my 700p, but if you wanna switch, I've still got my 1 month old 700p I can swap you for.