a few suggestions
maybe lose all those extra GPS apps / files (maybe except google maps) for a new edition of the ROMS but HAVE a .zip file of them for people optional?
(maybe the same with some ringtones and other large files that are not completely necessary?)
Like BeejiveIM maybe?
This way people that want that stuff can still easily get it, and others who don't use them (like myself) could enjoy the extra space they will add ... so you'll be satisfying everyone!
Possibly add:
Showaco's Chrome editor
Showaco's Titanium weather?
Once again AWESOME ROM, really good stuff
Can't wait to try out the Titanium only ROM once you get another one out before I re-flash. Your organization of the files and applications is a really fancy touch.
I don't know if there is a "registry cleaner" out there that is free and good that you could add to your ROM. I know SKTools has one but it is a paid program I believe and it comes with a lot of extra stuff that really isn't all that necessary in the program.