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Old 07-12-2009, 11:42 AM
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Re: |VICT|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 70909 ||

I am continually impressed with the speed and responsiveness of this ROM. I have no idea how you do it NRGZ, but it's something special for sure. Thanks for shIaring this.

I suppose that I agree with some that a lite version of the Standard ROM would be nice, but at the same time I am finding that I do not need to install much of anything on this ROM as there is already a lot included. Many programs that I usually would not bother installing on my Diamond just because of the lack of space. However, you have managed to fit a lot of these programs in and still end up with 30mb of memory after flash. Great work!
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