Originally Posted by raidzero
chris, it is Neuropol, not sure if the CPR is case-sensitive. can you verify that the cpr is being replaced? after you do a soft reset look at it again and make sure it is getting overwritten. also make sure the font is usable in word mobile, if its in \windows\fonts it should be..
its in windows/fonts on my PC and i can see that it is being overwritten in the cpr file after i resart . tried caps and no caps and first letter cap ect..still goes back to stock... i know im missing something easy...i found a MISFITS font that would be fun too but same thing happens...grrrrrrrr....
i think i see why ..when i edit the 480x640 cpr and hit replace all it changes the name through out the file.. but when i hit replace all on the 640x480 it only changes the font family name at the top of the page the rest stays the same.....
edit: i guess it would help installing the font to my phone...lol
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