Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar
I've been having a bit of a problem with phcanoverbmp.dll - and making a .cab to install icons for me.
I'm running Juicy8, 070409 and I created some files for the taskbar. All seems to work well, except phcanoverbmp.dll. If I copy my phcanoverbmp.dll to the windows directory, it works - but the battery icons don't, I get the default icons. I DO have the proper registry entries.
What's weird though, if I use finixnover's battery icon's only cab, it installs and all it does is copy a phcanoverbmp.dll to the \Windows directory and make registry changes. My battery icons work like they're supposed to with that - but his DLL doesn't have the proper volume icons (which don't seem to load from HTCVolumeControl.dll).
So the way it is, I have working speaker icons, and default battery icons - or working battery icons and default speaker icons. I can't seem to have both.
At the same time, I tried adding all of my files to a .cab to be made installable, using WinCE Cab Manager to create the cab, it just fails to install. If I open up finixnover's .cab and replace it's phcanoverbmp.dll and do nothing more to it, it will fail to install after the change.
I guess I don't get the problems I'm running in to...