Originally Posted by psycho_maniac
well speed is a first when i think of flashing a rom. a lot easier to customize also. i remember when i was adding tweaks to my alltel rom they wouldnt work but they did on a custom rom. also for verzion people they usually lower the pagepool to make it faster. most custom roms are set to 16mbs but because of verzion tp's need all the space they can get some people lower it. dont listen to this but i think i read on here that unlocking the phone also made it go faster BUT i dont believe that. another thing is a custom rom usually has the newest version of windows mobile which is nice. my stock alltel rom had a old version and i had more problems with that one than the custom roms i run.
thanks psycho_maniac. when i do get it from ebay i will have it done [: all i need are the steps to doing so because like i said earlier, this is my first time and i do not want to screw up. do i have to activate this phone first and have it ready to use when adding custom rom?