Re: Titanium LCD Font
Originally Posted by raidzero
chris, nice avatar. my favorite album lateralus! anyway under the time section just delete the line that says icon: (delete whats in bold)
<Layer ID="ClockExpanded" Visible="False" Width="480" Height="164" Clip="False">
<Layer ID="Page" Clip="False">
<!-- Icon in the upper right-->
<Image ID="Icon" Left="376" Top="-26" Width="86" Height="114" />
<!-- Title text -->
thanks im going to see them on the i find time section in the registry? , HKLM software?
“If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them.” bill hicks
Last edited by chrisloveskaos; 07-12-2009 at 12:51 AM.