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Old 07-11-2009, 08:29 PM
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Re: |VICT|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 70909 ||

Originally Posted by shaned197 View Post
I too would LOVE to see this ROM without all the extra apps like GPS and what not!!

I am so stuck between using Mighty Rom and this one... I absolutely love the calendar on TF3D2 but at the same time love Mighty's clean and stable ROM..

Ahhh lol flashing between the two every night!!

I have noticed that this one does better on battery life than Mighty's

What you guys think.. how many of you made the jump from Mighty to here
I think i've made the switch to this rom permanent barring any unforseen show stopping issues. This rom is fast, stable, and the rhodium is awesome.

Like many others have said tho, I really hope there is a version with less preinstalled apps.... after loading the arcsoft MMS i keep getting popups now about storage space being critically low....

Edit: just looked at my free space... i'm at 100k heh. Gonna see if I can delete some stuff. Also, the ONLY thing i've loaded to the device was that arcsoft cab... everything else was installed to the internal storage.

Edit2: Ok found an 8mb cache file @ \Application Data\HTC\HTC Album\Cache. Disabled the pictures tab on TF3D and deleted this file. Also deleted 3mb worth of ringtones @ \My Documents\My Ringtones, since i use my own custom ringtones. Hopefully this 11mb free will last me a little bit.

Last edited by anurbanlegend; 07-11-2009 at 08:40 PM.
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