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Old 07-11-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Kitchen] | Final | |07.01.09| MysteryROM 4 - (Build 23001.5.0.60 by Myster

Hi, I was searching through the forums for a fix to a recent WM 6.5 bug, and came across your Rom thread, and I *really* like your Blue and Black Rhodium theme!

Ironically, I have been using the Slider Icon pack you have, as well as a similar, possibly the same clock for a while now, I guess great minds think alike right?

Anyway, I would really like to use the notifications icons, shiny top and bottom bars, Blue & Black Tachi Dialer, and so on, but I have a Touch Pro, not a Diamond. I have just spent literally hours searching for these packs, but have had no luck and for the life of me, I cant even find or remember where I got that slider icon pack before, cause I figured maybe the rest of the stuff is included now, and has been updated, since when I picked it up before, it was before the Tachi Dialer even existed.

I would be *very* thankful if you could either point me to the various cabs you use, or if you are so gracious, to attatch them here or something, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again, I have been pulling my hair out trying to find this stuff..

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