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Old 07-10-2009, 02:23 PM
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Re: 7/9/09 - ROM | Kitchen | SYS - WM 6.5 23004 - Generic | All Carriers -

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
I've never been able to get titanium radar to work, it just shows a random looking map with a few names (not in houston thats for sure) and no matter what you press nothing happens till you press the X to close it out. Is there a fix or something I'm missing for it?
LOL that random map is where I live... Farmington - there's never anything going on here. To change it to your area, open Titanium Radar and press and hold on the image - a menu will pop up with "edit urls" in it. Select that, then change the url... There is "city=" and "state=" in the url - point them to your city and state, then save.
- Jesse
My Diamond wm6.5 ROM
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