Originally Posted by Gulanowski
Would you consider the Titan to still be one of the best PPC phones available, in regards to power, versatility and technology? I ask because I've had mine for over a year now and even though I have been extremely pleased with what I have been able to do with it I think it's starting to slowly die. I'm wondering if I should stick it out with it for as long as I can (like I did with my E815) or if I should seriously start looking around for a replacement.
the mogul has zero power compared to phones now.. versitility, its winmo, theyll always be versitile... technology, its not light years behind, afterall you can have most everything the TP can have, memory just becomes an issue... youve waited this long, might as well wait until you see something that just blows your mind..
and @ thacountry.... your really diggin Omnia 2 huh, your all over the place talkin that phone up.. you got an endorsement deal or somethin lol j/k.. you have sprint right? id change your mind on Omnia 2 then buddy, ill put it out there in the forums, $5o bucks says OMnia 2 never comes to sprint