Originally Posted by Kenzie's Grandma
Hi I'm back, hehe. Well I've got a few things done, I've downloaded SKTools and it looks great. I'm just wondering if it's safe to just go ahead and run the Clean, Optimize, Tune-up, etc. options or if they require any careful setting up? Also I still haven't found the place in it to change the size of the scroll bars.
I have looked at a lot of threads on Taskbars, even tried a couple but I don't seem to be doing too well. Could someone give me a link to a cool Taskbar that will run with SPBShell and will work on the i910? A nice easy CAB file would be great. (I'm also running ImarcheSkins which I love)
Well it's time to tackle some ringtones, no doubt I'll be back soon.
I haven't used SK Tools in a while, so while I know it is there, I don't remember where. The reg settings are in the thread I posted discussing changing the scroll bar width + apps to do it with. Specifically here:
Originally Posted by smotrs
It doesn't actually adjust the scrollbar size, but it affects the size of the scrollbar none the less. Go to the following location and adjust the DWORDS listed, [HKLM\System\GWE]
cxHScr = 20
cyHScr = 13
cxVScr = 13
cyVScr = 20
Now, what they do is control the size of the arrows used on the Horizontal and Vertical scrollbars. cx = width
cy = height
The larger the arrow, the larger the scrollbar. So a higher number for cxVScr will make the vertical scrollbar wider to accommodate the new width size of the arrow button. Whereas a higher number for cyVScr will only make the scroll buttons taller.
Hope that makes sense.
As for the taskbars, I mentioned a thread that had a bunch of really nice ones but forgot to add the link. There are a lot of WM 6.5 things in it, but if you scan through (especially the last few pages) there are some really cool taskbar CABs: