Originally Posted by jarmenti
to someone that mentioned the iphone having a superior screen. If you were to compare side by side to the touch pro.. the tp has a wayy better panel, with higher resolution, just in a smaller size. .
That is true & if I A/B my ipod touch & my TP's side by side you can see the ipod screen is lower res. I still have a much easier time watching a movie on the touch however because of the much larger screen size.
People claim that text is hard to read on the touch, that is complete BS IMHO. I use my touch every single day on this site (tethered with WMWifirouter) & much prefer it to my TP for that (if I didn't, I would just use the TP & not bother with the tethering).
Don't get me wrong, I have three TP's & I love them but there are definitely features from the ipod that I wish I could combine with my TP's (neither one is perfect by any means)