Originally Posted by p-slim
safari is weak, it doesn't even word wrap so when viewing pages like this thread you have to continually slide back and forth, safari is garbage. Opera by far best browser created.
+1 about Opera.
Originally Posted by jake044
how did you get offered a free 3gs?
Stole it.

Originally Posted by drift365
The iphone screen is perfect for viewing this forum in landscape. It fits perfectly and the font size is beatiful.
The iphone 3gs has a full qwerty keyboard.
If you really really wanted to, you could teather and send mms. just dont get caught by att, bad, bad things will happen.
The only bad thing about safari is that it does not have flash support, but it still loads any page twie as fast as my winmo phone did, when my winmo phone was on wifi and the iphone on 3g.
What i believe is the biggest downside of the iphone is that you need to use itunes. But i felt the same way with active sync.
You by far didn't really need activesync, some programs used it to link to the phone, but other than that, you really don't need it. Tons of other syncing apps are available.
Originally Posted by gimme5
You might miss the ability to multitask. I know I would.
Originally Posted by horndoctor
Chicks dig WinMo...especially with a zebra case. lol
Lmfao, nice horndoctor, nice.

Originally Posted by heydjbobby74
You might miss being part of the coolest forum EVER! Once you go iPhone, you are kicked out for life man!
hahaha. well technically there's a section for it now.
So that's not necessarily true.
You will probably be disowned though.
Originally Posted by jrodizzkool01
Well you will be getting a MUCH better screen! Im tired of how microsoft refuses to add a capacitive to their phones when it IS possible ( http://wmpoweruser.com/?p=3100). Especially with the way wm6.5 is designed, a capacitive screen would work perfectly. Only difficult thing would be pressing the X button to close a program but that can easily be fixed by remapping the end key of the phone to end the program. You also will be missing a phone that youll need to return every couple of months. I bought my phone in january and Im already on my 4th touch pro (first two keyboard would stop working randomly and third one's camera would freeze and require a soft reset all the time) and my friend is on his 3rd. Microsoft is still playing catch up and once Blackberry fixes the storm, Palm redoes the Pre's keyboard, and Htc agrees to turn the touch pro 2 to android and give it a capacitive screen, Microsoft better watch out
dude, dude dude, duuuuude, dude dude,
Capacitive is coming with wm7.
wm6.5 was not created with capacitive because it also needs hardware, which alot of the phones do not have.
I've only returned my TP once, and that was because I had it heat up so hot that it should have bursted into flames. lol.
Just don't let it get hot, that's when the problems start.
Microsoft started this game.
Haven't you notices how 99% of the stuff on the pre is a spin off of programs you can install on your wm phone?
most of the time, they didn't even make that particular program better.
Yes, webOS is pretty cool, but it's still limited till the SDK is released so we can unlock all the other features. I personally hate how you're limited to I think it was msn or yahoo messenger in your messaging thread, you can't use any other one? I mean wtf is with that.
Other quirks like that are completely killers for webOS.
Plus, the pre has no sdcard? I don't care it has 8gb of internal,
I want removable ones so I can put more and have one for music, one for movies, one for this, and one for that.
It's retarded to get locked down to only 8gb of data.
That's not a whole lot when you really start looking at it.
Especially for media and what not. Just not alot of space for music/vids.
TP2 already has a capacitive screen hardware, it's waiting on wm7
Microsoft is in the middle of changing the game again,
I've been reading up on a bunch of rss popups on my computer,
they're starting their own lines of phones,
still will have wm with htc and what not,
but they're starting their own,
right around the time wm7 is released, expect wm to be taking over the game again.
They're working on their own commercials for wm to truly show everyone how much better wm is than bb and iphone.
It's about time.
My advice to palm is that they need to get their webos straightened out asap, and get rid of the pre and restart with a new phone.
They need to hurry up, or when wm7 comes out,
they're going to right back to how they were, a dying company.