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Old 07-09-2009, 09:37 PM
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Re: what will i miss on iPhone

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
This definitely is the coolest forum ever... How about the tons of different customizations you can do with windows mobile. Is iphone that versatile? and what about roms? knowing apple you probably have to do some outlandish stuff to unlock it (if it's even possible), it has so many sensors you might have to go to certain altitude and sing to it for it to unlock... lol
Oh, the ability to remove your battery?

My boss told me his daughter's battery on her iphone died and you have to make an appointment with the apple store and go to them and they can open it and replace battery? maybe this has changed with the latest revision..

nobody will ever get me to part with my touch pro.
Well put Raid. You can 'jailbreak' your iPhone, but its hardly like flahsing to different ROMS. IMHO iPhone is NOT A PDA!!!! It is a mulitledia device with internet capabilities, those who deny this are dillusional! iPhone is a great product to go out and purchase if you want to use something that you can master in less than 20 minutes.

Fox Business report compared BB Storm, HTC Touch Pro, T1 by Goggle, and yes the iPhone. I'll give you one guess who took the whole thing, and it wasn't BB, T1, or iPhone!
The only thing the critics could say about HTC TP that was a 'con' was that it was hard to master...? I guess they had to say something!
It's an HTC EVOlution!
Audiovox 6700> Samsung i760> HTC Touch Pro> HTC Touch Pro2> HTC HeRooted> HTC EVOlutionized!
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