Okay seriously I'm at my wits end deadass. Like I really don't know what it is I'm doing wrong that keeps "killing" my TPs. It seems that I will be replacing my Touch Pro for the FOURTH(count 'em 4!!) time!!
Like seriously WTF b, this makes absolutely no sense what so ever. Quick run down of my past Touch Pros
1st one) Keyboard died. /Bought 12/08
2nd one) Rainbow on middle of screen from a detached digitizer, thanks a lot resistive touch screens
3rd one) All the colors in my phone are bugged out, I turned on my phone and everything was Purple and Neon Green! I literally had to smack it real hard and everything goes back to normal. The tech told me it was the ribbons but could not do anything and gave me another.
All the Touch Pro's I have ever had were all BRAND NEW, none refurbished (I have so many headphones/stylii/3 in one adaptors it's not even funny!) and here I am on my fourth TP that I receieved 3 weeks ago and the keyboard is f'ing up again. Doing ooonnneeee offff theeeeeeeeeeese like my first one did for a few weeks before dying. It's so bad that half the time the keyboard doesn't even work, this started like 3 days ago and has gotten progressively worse.
I installed Fingerkeyboard (man that **** rocks seriously, everyone should try it) and it's on point.
Like look I baby the **** out of all of these phones but they don't seem to last, they are all kept away from extreme heat/moisture/cold, I have a hard case on them with a screen protector. I never sat on it, put it in a pocket with keys, or dropped it not even one time.
I know what I'm doing I had a Mogul for a whole year that was still running strong the day I sold it, not one issue ever and kept it in pristine condition, I even pretended to drop it just to see how it felt...I ended up catching it anyway lol
I love the TP (when it works) and Windows Mobile but what's going on?!
On a different note, my cousin who's had his TP since November has dropped his countless times, and even runs a stock rom (eww) and it works perfectly fine but mine that I keep by my side like a bad chick is the ones giving me issues, should I start throwing mine on the floor and letting beer spill on it for it to continue to work?
I need help, suggestions, anything!