Re: [July 7th, 2009] MightyROM6 --
Originally Posted by dro
a fix for this was posted some pages back...i dont recall what page because there are so MANY pages in this
but heres what you can do:
1) install PHM REG EDITOR
2) remove these 2 REG KEYS:
>>>>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\BUB BLE: BUBBLE BORDERTHEME MAGE...\WINDOWS\CLASSICBLUE_MESSAGEBOXBORDER.JPG(i t will not be labled this as it will be labled to whatever theme you are using)
>>>>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\TOA ST: TOAST BORDER: \WINDOWS\CLASSICBLUE_TOASTBORDER.JPG(it will not be labled this as it will be labled to whatever theme you are using)
This works fine when you don't have the WM6.5 lock screen on but what about when u have the lock screen enabled..?..Now what do I do because I already deleted those out of my registry...I think I am screwed...When the lock screen is enable nothing shows up for about 5 seconds then the screen lights up and shows the lock screen then slide to answer that was cooked in and then u can see the default slide to answer that is in WM6.5....I need help..Is there a way to get the reg edits back and just enable the default slide to answer that comes with 6.5..?...Wouldn't it work fine if the default lock screen and default slide to answer were the only 2 things enabled...Idk but i'm just throwing ideas out there...Mighty i'm hoping for some help..I love this rom and this is pretty much my only gripe at this time...
Last edited by diplomat2387; 07-09-2009 at 04:24 PM.