Originally Posted by horndoctor
Everybody wants something bigger! lol
Haha! =D>
I'm a pda user of old and I always thought it was a downgrade going from a 3.5" screen to a 2.8" whe I went from a palm M
& a nokia brick in my pocket to a I-mate Jam, liked the space saving, was never convinced about loosing screen size
I had an O2 XDAii in UK which was a phone/ppc, and it has the 3.5" screen, it was great, but had to give it up when I moved over here (was work phone).
I was very disapointed in the choice of pda phones here in the us at first, I'm a more screen & less buttons kinda guy and the market was all blackbery style mini hard keyboard and tiny screen, realy not my thing.
Then the touch (vogue) cane out and I jumped on it!, now I have a diamond and love the functionality, it's just missing a bit more screen size
Roll on the TP2, I think that's like a 3.6" screen, I still don't want a keyboard, but I'll just leave it closed for the larger screen.