Open up 1c684cd8_manila and go to address 0x000055BE. The unicode text dd.MM will be there, but may be different depending on which file you have. Anyways, change that to MM.dd if you want the date format to appear as 06.25 (June 25th, My Birthday
) . If you want the date to appear as Jun 25 then change it to MMM d.
Take a look at the hex string for dd.MM. It's represented by 6400 6400 2E00 4D00 4D00. each pair of bytes is a character (ie 6400 is d). To change it to MM.dd, you would have to change it to 4D00 4D00 2E00 6400 6400. To change it to MMM d (there's a blank space between MMM and d) like how I have mine, you would change it to 4D00 4D00 4D00 2000 6400 (2000 is code for a blank space).
d = 0x6400
M = 0x4D00
. = 0x2E00
(Space) = 0x2000
Regardless...all above versions of the manila file have been posted in this thread.