Originally Posted by psyki
I also put a convenient link to it at the bottom of the programs tab, just scroll to the bottom. Do you guys even look at the whole programs tab? lol
lol, i think i noticed there was some stuff down there once before, but i must have forgot till now u just pointed it out.
im getting pretty used to your programs layout, using galarm and googlemaps all the time from there, just started using facebook shortcut today and the coreplayer icon (i usually use tcpmp through multimedia tab), havent really used all the other ones there but they are good ones to have there so i havent moved them either (which is usually something i have to do with other roms)
Originally Posted by psyki
Check here for any pandora related entries:
i dont have any entries relating to pandora in that directory, nothiing in system or user, do i have to add something to force it to display i thought the esxclusive list is for keeping stuff hidden (which its doing now and i dont want it to)
aside from that my notifications keep playing games on me, my reminders stayed how i set them today to display on screen (which is great for once) but my ringer changed from ring and vibrate, back to ring only. i looked at it 10 min ago and it was set to none! but i forgot i set my volume to silent for a moment and forgot to put it back up so when i did put the ring and system volume back up i noticed my notifications for ring was just RING, and not the ring and vib i had selected earlier o well
in the nrg thread some guy is ranting about htc album 3 vs 2.5, im not sure which version this rom has (help in album gives an error) and im too lazy to click for the first post right now, but he said with 2.5 and other cab i can upload photos direct to facebook, how can i do that here? is there something else i have to install so i can upload straight to facebook? thxx!
*edit sorry 1 more thing, start>programs>contacts, i notice no randomaccess, what the? ive seen randomaccess alphabet in other screens, lol, whered it go from the contact list where its most useful, i have a cab somewhere im gonna try and see if it helps, hope it wont break anything else though cuz who knows where i got it from