Originally Posted by Juicy47
in that case.....
Juicy 8: Build 0907xx
[ ] CE OS 5.2.23004 (Build 23004.5.3.0)
[+] Native WM6.5 D3D Drivers
[+] DRMMiddleware (1.5.19142824.00)
[+] SharedModules (1.01.19142728.00)
[+] StreamingMedia (3.1.19141226.00)
[+] VoiceRecorder (1.10.19123431.0)
[+] CompIME Module from 5.2.21731 *fixes text input*
[#] Repaired SmartTouch package
[#] Fixed YouTube Glitches
[#] Opera is now recognized by TaskManager
[#] Enabled video quality selection in YouTube
I need more endurance to keep up with the latest builds! I've gotten lazy and haven't been cooking roms. jd and juicy roms have me as of lately! I wish i could merge them. Juicy's ROM with JD's LIVEROM technology!!! I'm half asleep and am probably dreaming as I type by now lol