Re: 23001 Saturn Liberty Movies Built In, theChannerTV, NEW TCPMP, MultiMedia Super R
Originally Posted by Technology1
Wait a minute, did your read the instructions already, just about everything is built into the ROM. What steps are you talking about, they are no more steps...{LOL} 
i meant all the stuff that "might want to install" and "not included in ROM" from your first few posts. Can you make a rom with "the works" and all those items precooked? and of course making it with tf3d2 together with shell3(in shareware mode naturally) and titanium with tfdetacher would be a cherry on the top of this rOmcake
Current: GS4(2.3Ghz)+TP2(787Mhz),HTC prior Diamond, TP,Wizard.HTC freak since Wallaby '02
Who needs home net?
When you can tether for free?: D
