Originally Posted by shadowfender42
I know Ive only flashed once so far (got my phone at 6 already did some tweaks of my own and activated it by 6:25 decided I wanted to unlock and flash right away so Im flashed by 6:40) but wow NFSFans ROM.......Amazing. Almost takes away the crippledness lol.
I bet.
when mine was stock it sucked, but still can't be as bad as verizons.
Originally Posted by horndoctor
How did I kill the thread!? :-[
How did you not?

Uh oh, I'm back at it. haha.
And we had a truce. haha.
Originally Posted by Leukay
How is it shadow? I kinda like the way the verizon TP looks, other than the straight up square front. I like that they lost the chrome, and it is a little slimmer
Yea, I like how they don't have the chrome.
And it's slimmer because they took half of the insides out.

Originally Posted by shadowfender42
I like the TP. Serious issue though that Im sure isnt hard to solve....>Codybear, after I flashed to NFSFANs 6.5 ROM my phone keeps waking up out of stand by for no reason what so ever I have to turn it off several times.
Are you running version 0106??
I'm still on 0104.
I didn't feel like flashing to 0105,
and haven't felt like flashing to 0106 yet.
I was going to earlier today,
but I've been texting too many people
and don't feel like being
"Hold on girl, can't talk/text, I have to flash my phone."
You just don't do that to them right when you've just met them. haha.
I'm prolly going to flash it here a little later tonight though.
I'll see if I have the same problem or not.