Originally Posted by btonetbone
I've had mixed results with battery life. Yesterday was fantastic - full day's worth of use and it stayed above 65%. That's including use from 9ish in the morning through 10ish at night. Today, I'm already down to 35%. I'll look and try to find out what may be happening...
How's everyone else's battery life?
I have not had any lock-ups at all. Can you provide me a list of any programs or registry edits you've installed? Especially if something is either a new install, but a complete list is best.
Well I run that same apps on all roms (I upgrade weekly) and this is the first time it has happened. I have a big list of apps, but I dl'ed another variation (diff chief) of 23003 and no probs. So I', just going to wait for your next version and see how that goes, but thank you for the concern!