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Old 07-08-2009, 04:39 PM
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Re: [July 7th, 2009] MightyROM6 --

Mike, how the hell do you manage to push out multiple ROMs for two different devices, provide support for them both while simultaneously honing your cooking skills (and as of late(?), even exerting webmaster skills?) and still find time to 'live'? All I do is read as much as possible to try to keep up with the threads, and once in awhile drop in to talk some shiet...and that is a task in itself! This thread grows like wildfire!

You, my man, are something akin to a superhero. Well, youre my hero, anyways; I mean, after did save my TP's life! Go Mighty Go! LOL

On a more serious note, Ive been running MR6 since the night it was released. Having jumped shipped from 6.1 to 6.5, I would say that battery life is the biggest noticeable difference. And this ROM in relation to the other 6.5 ones ive had the honor of trying, is the 'lightest' in terms of memory usage and most consistently responsive and bug-free 6.5 ROM available. Then again, I am a little biased. LOL. Objectively speaking, all installed apps, including tf3d and titanium is stable, responsive and loads much quicker than previous versions. Ive yet to have a program crash or experience a freeze up during any of my usual tasks. Ive also experienced very minial keyboard lag in messaging as well as throughout the entire OS...and trust me, I am thankful for that.

Im kind of reluctant to say it, but for an intial release in the MR6 line of ROMs, this is pretty damn close to least for my needs. I cant wait to see what else you got in store for us in the future. I also know that just cause something is 'good' does not mean that you will stop trying to improve things even further. This is why I love this community!

Keep up the good work, guys!
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