Originally Posted by kevm14
You know what? I remember reading that. And I could have searched and found it and fixed this myself. It just seems to stupid, especially in light of my other issues with this rom, and ESPECIALLY after all the talking up of it (hell, it's now version 6!!). Also, just now, I dialed ##DEBUG# and started entering that password - it dialed someone from my recent calls list then wouldn't let me hang up!! I had to soft reset my phone. By the way I did hard reset after installing this rom.
I've had similiar issues. Accidentally called someone, it wouldn't hang up, had to soft-reset, etc.
What would get most veteran users upset is stuff like "what's up with this rom." You probably didn't pay for it, so we are borrowing someone else's work, knowledge, etc. It's not perfect, i'll totally admit it. I'm surprised some of the issue weren't caught, but they might not have been issues to those that tested...AND, so many people have cabs that they would die for, and many times that's what breaks this mess. For your problems though, i think it's a simple 6.5 issue. We all have them. For now, we just need to live with it, and let the chefs keep working. they'll get it...