Originally Posted by tokuzumi
It's nice to have things in a centralized location. Plus, there's the potential to have apps that better integrate into the OS. And, let's face it....some apps are just crap, but that can be said about apps across all platforms. Plus, the ability to demo the app for a day is nice, too. Not knocking anyone on xda, as the group over there does some fantastic things...having everything in one place will hopefully mean better standardization and integration, and will be easier for the general user. How many people on this board ask "how do I unlock my phone?", or "how do I install a custom rom?". The app store will take most of the guess work away from those people.
true but if they sell a simple GPS program or a flashlight program then forget about it, I already spend enough for service, but if they have a lot of free apps then it could be a pretty awesome deal.