Originally Posted by t0mmyr
ive had my last tp for the longest now (about 4 months probably and probably my 4th or 5th tp), and just today when i got out of the car it fell out of my pocket barely touching the ground for the first time...3 scratches now......grrrrrrr i havent ever dropped this phone (now my old tps, those were some different stories), i got soo angry cuz my phone has been looking pristine and just now its all scuffed up, argh, i guess ill wait till something really goes bad to replace it
I feel you on that one. I didn't drop my initial TP after a few months of having it. The keyboard started to go out so I got it replaced.
A week after having the replacement, I dropped it and cried. After a month or so, a giant crack has developed right by the USB port.