rebooting = not necessarily hardware issue.
what do you do with your memory card between flashes ? anything ?
could be corrupt files..
Originally Posted by ebmorgan
Judging from other user's TP lifespans, I'm suprised my first TP made this far...8-9 months.
Got major issues:
1. No matter what ROM I use it likes to reboot itself a couple times a day. HARDWARE ISSUE.
2. Sometimes is locks up while charging. HARDWARE ISSUE.
3. The mini-USB port is not making good connections with cables. I've tried 4 different cables by 4 different manufacturers and all have connectivity issues. HARDWARE ISSUE.
4. When using the multi-adapter for playing music in my car, the audio pops with every bump. Probably related to issue 3. HARDWARE ISSUE.
<sigh>....hopefully the ID10Ts at the repair center won't ive me too much trouble.