Originally Posted by basilray
Thus far, 6.5 has been notorious for Ring Lag. Being that you've already got a Slide to Answer, I would suggest looking in your locking apps to see if you can unlock on ring. You won't have to worry about pocket sliding to answer I wouldn't think (never happened to me).
If you can't do it in either of those apps, try either Pocket Shield or S2u2. I had problems with one of the apps I found at XDA that let you use the WinMo 6.5 lock for everything. It would fight with the slide to answer. Both S2u2 and Pocket Shield play nice...so long as you turn off their Slide to Answer feature and allow them to unlock the phone on ring.
Sorry for any confusion, but I don't actually have any 3rd party slide to answer programs (a while ago I used S2U2, but one of the reasons I wanted 6.5 was to use the native screen-lock/slide-to-answer). Also, the ring lag doesn't seem to be too bad, as long as I don't have the device locked.
I saw someone recommend uninstalling the HTC dialer, and using devicelock 1.1 to be able to lock by pressing the power button, but not sure how this plays yet (as I haven't installed anything yet after just doing a hard reset)