Originally Posted by furrycnorm
wow 5 replies and not one answer to my question. talk about how great your roms are in a different thread will ya?
nicely said
2 options to try:
or this
download pocketputty from here:
run putty.exe on your phone
change the box that says SSH to Serial
change serial line to COM9:
in the serial tab change flow control to none
click open
type ATV1
It should reply with OK, if not, close and try again perhaps with a different speed, 9600 worked for me though.
type AT+HTC_RMSL=0 in capitals
and it will reply with your MSL.
this not actually a phone code, the code it gives will let you edit espt with security priviliges tho... start\file explorer\ windows search for epst there are 2 of them
enter the msl code when asked to